Born and raised in Burundi, Elvis returned to his home country after the ’94 Tutsi genocide and liberation war in Rwanda. Always inspired to serve, Elvis once hosted a radio show helping financially needy children access better healthcare. He also volunteered with Every Child to help children from Burundi and Rwanda access better educational opportunities.
Prior to joining Sight and Life, he was the country coordinator, Rwanda and Burundi, for Project Healthy Children, and was the Director-in-Charge for Africa’s Refugees and At-Risk Urban population programs for 11 years. He also worked for the Fulbright Foundation Research Project and later The Hunt Alternatives Fund with The Women Waging Peace Network.
- Core functions: Leadership, Strategic partnership, management, entrepreneurship, food systems
- Core areas of interest: Leadership, nutrition, Food systems, entrepreneurship
- Approach to work: People centered implementation/ results oriented implementation
- Core qualifications: MSc in Programme and Project Management ( MSc PPM)
- Past organisations: Fulbright foundation, Hunt Alternative Funds, Project Healthy Children-Sanku
- Past achievements: Established SAL First country office in Africa, grew SAL Rwanda from 1 man office to 8 full time and still growing, established the Food Fortification Alliance and the SUN Business Network in Rwanda, both with more than 120 members mainly from the private sector, initiated food fortification legislations in Rwanda and Burundi until they were made a technical regulation ( Rwanda) and a promulgated law( Burundi), established country offices of PHC in Rwanda and Burundi, initiated on different occasions MoU’s with government agencies, private sector and Civil Society Organizations in Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, other French speaking countries in central and West Africa. Contributed in different researches and publications around governance, gender , food fortification in Rwanda and Burundi.
- Global footprint: Born and Raised in Tiny East Africa country of Burundi as an urban refugee , Returned in his home country of Rwanda, partly educated in Tanzania, worked in Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya and Tanzania.