Saving Lives and Livelihoods: One Egg Hub at a Time


Extensive evidence shows eggs significantly reduce child malnutrition. One egg a day provides 57% of RDA of protein for a child 7-12 months of age, more than 50% of RDA of vitamins B12, E, and B2, and other essential micronutrients like vitamin D, selenium, zinc, and choline. Eggs are an affordable, high-quality source of essential amino acids and micronutrients. Eggs are culturally accepted worldwide. Yet, egg supply falls short in most LMICs due to inefficient food systems. Sight and Life, along with partners, has successfully implemented Egg Hubs in Malawi, Peru, Brazil, Ethiopia. They collectively produce 22 million eggs each year, have improved egg consumption through social marketing among pregnant, lactating women and children under 5 by 3x, thereby improving nutrition outcomes in LMICs.


18th October 2023


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm CET


Hall Yangtze, World Forum, The Hague Visual


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